936 828 007

The Company

RUA PAPEL, experts in:


From the early 40s, the Rua family has been dedicated to waste management and paper and cardboard recovery. At first, the company only consisted of two people and a handcart. After many years of hard effort and a perfect evolution in accordance with the market development, Rua Papel Gestión S.L. was created, a family business ready to face future challenges. Apart from paper and cardboard, we expanded our activities to plastic waste, metal, wood and other industrial waste.

Nowadays, Rua Papel Gestión S.L. is a company recognized by the great quality of its products and services, with an active presence in different European and Asian countries where we commercialize most of our products from our factories in Sant Andreu de la Barca, Castellbisbal and Barcelona. We have a professional management team with great experience in all areas of the company, which leads our project with enthusiasm and also very committed employees. Some of them have provided their experience to the family for 40 years.


We have perfected waste recovery processes in our factories, which are some of the most innovative of Spain and where we install machinery from the latest technology which increases the waste collection capacity, selection, schredding and balling in order to turn it into secondary raw material and improve its overall management, preventing the fact that its cycle ends up in landfill sites with zero waste. With these means we add all the solutions so that waste does not generate any problem to our clients


Rua Papel Gestión S.L. has adopted a firm commitment to the environment: we recycle in order to contribute to the sustainability of the planet. We focus on protecting the environment minimizing waste and we improve the quality of our products and services to reduce environmental impact. This is why we are audited every year by the following maintenance audits: ISO 14001:2008 (environment) and ISO 9001:2004 (quality).

We are founding partners of UdER, a company with recycling plants in almost the whole territory of Spain.

Rua Papel Gestión is authorized by the Catalan Wastes Agency from the Government of Catalonia as a waste manager (E797.2) and transporter (T-1327). We play an active role in different business associations, thanks to which we promote environmental issues and the business development like Repacar (Spanish association of paper and board), Pimec (micro, small and medium-sized companies in Catalonia) and Gremi de Recuperació de Catalunya.

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